초자연적/자연적 성령체험 최영기목사)


성령 체험을 통하여 방언을 받으면서 기도 생활이 충실해지고 신앙생활에 활력을 맛보는 사람들이 있습니다이럴  이런 체험을 못한 사람들은 부러움을 느끼고영적인 열등감이 생기기도 하고하나님에게 살풋한 원망의 마음이 들기도 합니다.  

그러나 성령체험에는  가지가 있습니다초자연적인 성령체험과 자연적인 성령 체험입니다초자연적 성령 체험은 우리가 흔히 보는 방언통변치유귀신 쫓는 등의 은사 체험입니다

그러나 이런 것들만이 성령 체험이 아닙니다자연적인 성령체험이 있습니다인간의 지정의(知情意)영역에 성령님의 역사를 경험하는 것입니다

()적인 성령 체험의 예를 들자면기본적으로 예수님이 믿어지는 것입니다. 2,000  범죄자로 몰려 십자가에 처형당한 청년 목수를 인류의 구세주로 믿게 되는 것입니다성령님의 역사가 아니면 이런 일이 있을  없습니다졸립게만 느껴지던 성경이 이해되고믿어지는 것도 성령 체험입니다

()적인 성령 체험의 예는염려와 두려움 가운데 하나님께서 함께 하신다는 느낌을 맛본다든지절망적인 상황 가운데에서도  되리라는 소망이생기는 것입니다이런 경험은 노력한다고 얻어지는 것이 아니고 성령님께서만이 맛보게 해주실  있습니다

()지적인 성령 체험의 예는알아주는 사람도 없고사역의 열매도 없는데주님께 받은 사역이기 때문에 포기하지 않고 끝까지 지속하는 것입니다이런 끈기는 성령님의 도움 없이 인간의 의지력과 노력으로는 불가능합니다

초자연적이건 자연적이건이런 체험을 주신 이유는 성령님의 실체를 경험하고성령 충만한 삶을살아예수님의 성품을  닮은 제자가 되고복음 전파에  매진하도록 하기 위함입니다.

그러므로 어떤 종류의 영적 체험이든지예수님을 닮고 복음을 전하겠다는 욕구와 노력이 따르지 않으면 체험이 진정한 성령 체험인지 의심해 보아야 합니다.


금주의 한마디

이번  부터 전반기 삶공부가 시작됩니다삶공부에 등록하지 않으신 분들은 오늘까지 등록을 해주시기 바랍니다특별히 생명의  공부는 필수코스이며 5년이 넘어가신 분들은 다시 재수강 하시기 바랍니다



 Supernatural and Natural Spiritual Experiences (Pastor youngki Choi)


Speaking in tongues is a spiritual experience that can lead to a more faithful prayer life and a more vibrant spiritual life for some people. However, those who did not received this gift may experience feelings of envy or spiritual inferiority.

However, there are two types of spiritual experiences: supernatural and natural. Supernatural experiences include the manifestation of spiritual gifts such as tongues, interpretation, healing, and casting out demons. However, these are not the only spiritual experiences. There are also natural spiritual experiences. These are experiences of the work of the Holy Spirit in the realms of human knowledge, emotion, and will.

An example of an intellectual spiritual experience is the act of faith in Jesus Christ. Embracing the belief that a young carpenter who was executed as a criminal 2,000 years ago is the Savior of humanity requires the intervention of the Holy Spirit.

An example of an emotional spiritual experience is tasting the peace that God is with you in the midst of worry and fear, or having hope that things will be okay even in a hopeless situation. These experiences cannot be experienced by human efforts, but only by the Holy Spirit.

A volitional spirit experience is evident in an unwavering commitment to one’s ministry despite the lack of recognition or visible results. This steadfastness in the face of adversity is not achievable through mere human willpower but is made possible by the Holy Spirit. 

Whether supernatural or natural, these experiences serve as divine invitations to taste the reality of the Holy Spirit and cultivate a Spirit-filled life. The ultimate purpose of such experiences is to make disciples who resembles the character of Jesus and dedicate themselves to spreading the gospel. 

Therefore, regardless of the type of spiritual experience you have, if there is no desire and effort to follow Jesus and spread the gospel, such spiritual experiences should be examined to determine if they are truly of the Holy Spirit.