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          • 수정교회 번역팀  2022.12.10  20:06


          • Pastors’ families retreat

            The pastors’ families are going on a retreat (December 19-21, 3 days, 2 nights, near Sydney). Retreat is originally a military term meaning to pull back and have time to recharge. For Christians, retreat can be said to be getting away from everyday life and having time to recharge and recover in God.

            Every year, the pastors’ families leave the field of ministry and share the vision through retreat, and have a time of rest, but we have not been able to have such a time for several years. We have planned it a few times, but there was COVID virus, and because the priority was in the church ministry, we weren’t able to bring it into action. Since the place of the retreat has now been decided, everyone says it’s good.

            Living as a pastor seems to have a holy burden. I try to do well, but there are many times when things don’t go the way I planned, and what I try to do well sometimes creates misunderstandings or frustration. So I get caught up in the thought of myself not being good enough. Even though we need to recharge, when we think of the church members in difficulty, we think of the retreat as a luxury and put it off. So there are times when we cannot find rest physically or mentally.

            The same goes for the wives and children of pastors. They are not even pastors but they are worried about the same thing with the feeling of carrying the same holy burden together. Pastors express themselves through sermons, but pastors’ wives seem to have to put themselves down and live their lives sacrificing in the invisible places. There is no place to turn to even after a couple’s fight. I pray with the thought that I can be alone with God and be comforted, but I think we still need people’s comfort and encouragement because I am a human being.

            So, I want to make the pastors of Crystal Church happy. I want to help them succeed in being used in front of the Lord. Respected pastors need to put in their efforts but I think that the part of respect contributed by the church members is also great. Even if there are shortcomings, if you cherish, love, and encourage them, they will become respected pastors.

            Through this retreat for pastors and their families, I hope that pastors and their families will be supported continuously, so that they can recharge and rest, share the Lord’s vision for the Crystal Church, and to work tirelessly next year.
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