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          • 이동주  2024.06.08  15:21


          • House churches that Experience God (2)
            Continuing from last week, let's talk about house churches where one can experience God.
            Fourthly, it is a house church that conducts the weekly house church meetings "according to principles." I have observed many house churches over a long time, and there is a common trait among those that lack excitement or fail to thrive: the shepherd conducts the house church meetings not according to the standard order but modifies it according to their own style. If it is not the first day for a VIP or a special day, sticking to the house church meeting sequence enhances the atmosphere over time. Carelessness or minor compromises can make house church meetings dull one day.
            Fifthly, it is where the house church meeting date and time do not "change" according to various circumstances. While the content of the house church meetings is undoubtedly important, adhering to the determined time and place is equally vital. If the shepherd changes the date or time of the house church meeting according to the situation, or changes the location due to lack of attendance, everyone may feel comfortable in that moment, but eventually, the house church members will take the comfortable route and not attend house churches due to their own circumstances. This comfort leads to the easy collapse of house churches. Whether the house church members are doing things just enough or giving their best effort, the house church members feel it first. House church meetings must consistently take place on the designated day and time.
            Sixthly, a house church thrives when the shepherd delegates ministries within the house church and the house church members perform their "assigned ministries" well. A shepherd who conducts house church meetings well doesn't act by themselves but effectively delegates ministries. Shepherds should also encourage the house church members to even small acts of service. Shepherds enable others to participate while encouraging them. By responsibly fulfilling their assigned roles within the house churches, vitality is infused into this house church. Within the house churches, ministries include praise, intercessory prayer, reading pastoral columns, teaching the Word, fellowship coordination, house church reporter, missionary work, and more.
            Seventhly, it is a house church with a continuous direction towards salvation and goals for transformation. If house church meetings lack focus on salvation and transformation, they may devolve into mere social clubs or formal gatherings. Therefore, the shepherd's role is to create an atmosphere where house church members unite to save souls. They work together in service, bringing about transformation. The shepherd instills goals for the transformation of house church members, continually challenging them with Receiving Jesus meetings, studying Life Bible studies, commitments on Sundays, and committing to ministry, all while helping house church members to experience the joy of faith and undergo transformation and growth.

            Word of the week
            The space for children to play on Sundays is limited. The small playground in front of the church is all there is. Therefore, activities like rough play are prohibited to prevent harm to younger children. Additionally, parents are requested to ensure that their children do not move the playground equipment away.
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