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          • 이동주  2024.06.29  01:00


          • 2024 Short-Term Mission Trips
            We are looking for participants for the 2024 Short-Term Mission trips. The purpose of the House Church's short-term mission trip is threefold: first, to help establish house churches; second, to support the needs of missionaries affiliated with house churches; and third, to allow participants to experience and recognize the necessity of missions, and to share the vision for missions with their house churches and the broader church community.
            In 2024, there will be two short-term mission trips (hereafter referred to as "STM"): Fiji and Indonesia.
            First Location: Fiji
            The scheduled dates for the Fiji STM are October 8-15 (7 nights, 8 days). Fiji is where I visited in March at the request of Missionary Sung Yoon Im to visit AOG churches. The executive committee of the AOG denomination is determined to transition to House Churches despite any difficulties, so we aim to support the transition of Fijian churches to House Churches. Fiji is relatively close within Oceania and has evident needs, thus requiring continuous support. The need for house churches in Fiji is particularly strong due to the pervasive activities of the Grace Road Church (Ok Joo Shin) in various societal sectors and the aggressive evangelism efforts of the GuWonPa (Salvation Sect) led by Ok Soo Park’s Good News Mission, causing significant confusion among local churches and congregations. The Fiji STM will involve visiting Fijian churches, supporting their transition to House Churches through church ministry works, testimony meetings, and children's ministries. Once the Fiji STM team is formed, there will be a training and preparation period.
            Second Location: Indonesia
            The Indonesia STM is at the request of Missionary Young Kwang Ha, who is supporting local churches to become House Churches. The mission trip includes assisting in the House Church conference for local pastors (November 19-22) and the shepherd and shepherd’s wife special lecture and seminar (November 22-26). The main activities of the Indonesia STM will be seminar testimonies and Sunday church ministry.
            Additionally, any house church planning to visit their own mission fields should inform the mission department in advance to receive advice and support from the church in planning and preparing for their mission trip.

            Word of the week
            We are currently recruiting volunteers for the 3rd Creation Science Camp in July. The Creation Science Camp is a festival where all generations come together for the next generation. Anyone from Sydney Crystal Church can participate as a full-time or part-time volunteer in roles such as teacher, assistant teacher, safety officer, cafe operator, meal preparation, premise decoration, photography, and more.

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