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          • 이동주  2024.08.10  12:18


          • We will be stopping the online morning prayers.

            Starting this week, the online morning prayer services that were broadcast via Zoom and YouTube will no longer be held. Instead, we encourage you to come to the church between 5:30 AM and 7:00 AM to pray privately as you did before the pandemic. The primary reason for this change is to encourage more people to come to the church for prayer. While it is true that praying and meditating at home is convenient and time-efficient, and I also use my early mornings for writing columns, preparing sermons, and reading books. I have become used to doing prayer and quiet time at home. I feel it's important now to focus more on prayer at the church.
            Jesus said, "My house will be a house of prayer," and I want to create an environment where members can pray at the church when they desire. I feel that online services are preventing this atmosphere. Another reason for stopping the online prayers is that the number of participants hasn’t been substantial relative to the effort that pastors put into preparing with the reference book QTin. However, this does not mean that people are not meditating and praying. Many are already engaging in personal meditation and prayer regardless of the online services.
            During the time we held online QT (Quiet Time) sessions, it seems many people trained their devotional practice through the QT book. Now that the QT devotional book (QTin) is available through an online app, I hope more people will read and pray with the book on their own. For those who can come to the church for meditation and prayer, please do so. Pastors will take turns playing worship music in the main hall from 5:30 AM to create a good environment for prayer. Please come at a time that suits you best to participate in the morning prayers. We will also play worship music during the day. It is encouraging to see young people studying at tables in the worship hall. I look forward to seeing more people coming to the church to pray.

            Word of the week
            Starting this week, we will no longer hold the QT (Quiet Time) morning prayers online. Instead, you are welcome to come to the church from 5:30 AM and pray freely.

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