While everyone desires to be filled with the Holy Spirit, many find it difficult to provide a concrete definition of what that looks like.
In the early days of my faith, I understood being filled with the Holy Spirit as a "spiritual experience," like feeling a burning sensation or speaking in tongues. However, I saw people who had intense spiritual experiences continue to live lives no different from unbelievers, so I realized that these experiences alone didn't equate to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Then, influenced by Reformed theology, I understood being filled with the Holy Spirit as a changed life. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there must be something more to it than just a change in character and lifestyle.
Now, at the age of 80, I believe I can actually define being filled with the Holy Spirit. It's about seeing things from God's perspective and manifesting the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
A person filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't see things from their own perspective nor the world's perspective, but from God's. And in their life they manifest love, wisdom, and power that could only come from the Holy Spirit.
According to this definition, having a powerful spiritual experience without a changed perspective doesn't mean you're filled with the Holy Spirit. Similarly, having a transformed life without exhibiting supernatural love, wisdom, or power beyond your own capabilities doesn't equate to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
I believe that Paul's statement, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20) perfectly encapsulates what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
송영민 2025.02.28 15:26
While everyone desires to be filled with the Holy Spirit, many find it difficult to provide a concrete definition of what that looks like.
In the early days of my faith, I understood being filled with the Holy Spirit as a "spiritual experience," like feeling a burning sensation or speaking in tongues. However, I saw people who had intense spiritual experiences continue to live lives no different from unbelievers, so I realized that these experiences alone didn't equate to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Then, influenced by Reformed theology, I understood being filled with the Holy Spirit as a changed life. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there must be something more to it than just a change in character and lifestyle.
Now, at the age of 80, I believe I can actually define being filled with the Holy Spirit. It's about seeing things from God's perspective and manifesting the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in your life.
A person filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't see things from their own perspective nor the world's perspective, but from God's. And in their life they manifest love, wisdom, and power that could only come from the Holy Spirit.
According to this definition, having a powerful spiritual experience without a changed perspective doesn't mean you're filled with the Holy Spirit. Similarly, having a transformed life without exhibiting supernatural love, wisdom, or power beyond your own capabilities doesn't equate to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
I believe that Paul's statement, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20) perfectly encapsulates what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
송영민 2025.02.28 15:27