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          • 수정교회 번역팀  2023.08.01  10:57


          • Wisdom that created the world

            Wisdom was already with God before God created this world, and that wisdom created a beautiful world with God. God's wisdom created the sky and the earth, the sparkling moon and stars, and filled the world with green nature and wonderful animals and plants. That wisdom rejoiced daily with God and became His delight. Blessed are those who always keep God's ways and listen to the words of instruction, and gain great wisdom that is pleasing to God. I look forward to what kind of picture will be drawn on my life which is like a blank sheet of paper with God's wisdom.

            Passage to read: Proverbs 8:22-36
            22 “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old;
            ‭‭23 I was formed long ages ago, at the very beginning, when the world came to be.
            ‭‭24 When there were no watery depths, I was given birth, when there were no springs overflowing with water;
            ‭‭25 before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth,
            ‭‭26 before he made the world or its fields or any of the dust of the earth.
            ‭‭27 I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
            ‭‭28 when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
            ‭‭29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
            ‭‭30 Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence,

            ‭‭* Meditation

            * Application

            * Gratitude & Prayer
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