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          • 수정교회 번역팀  2023.01.28  19:41


          • Church trends in 2023

            Korea Food for Hunger and Ministry Data Institute published an article called “2023 Korean Church Trends”, which discussed church trends in 2023. In the book, they predict how church would look in 2023 using 10 keywords from different trends. I have summarised some of the trends that we could apply to our church.

            First is the phrase ‘Floating Christian’. This talks about Christians who are afloat, as in, since the Covid-19, they have not yet returned to the Church and have not started attending any worship yet. I think we need a strategy to bring them back to church.

            Second is the phrase ‘Hybrid Churches’. Hybrid churches means that even after Covid-19, the churches have not yet stopped the online services and have continued to do online in parallel with the offline services. This is a part that also apply to our church to some extent. Our worship is on-site, but Life studies, meetings, and dawn prayer meetings are held online as required.

            Third is the phrase ‘Molecular Life’. A molecule means a group of small atoms. Social relationship have become more disconnected, but people still want meetings or activities in small groups. It means that the church needs to develop close communities like house churches, such as, small group activities, ministries, and hobbies to help church members to continue their close relationships with each other.

            Fourth is the phrase ‘Climate Church’. Since the whole world feels the need for environmental protection, it means that the church must take the lead and actively participate in this environmental protection movement. I think it’s a good idea to create a ministry team for environmental protection.

            In addition to this, ‘MZ generation ministry’, ‘Active seniors’, ‘All line ministry’, and ‘Public Church’ which emphasised of a sense of public responsibility, were presented as some of the other trend keywords.

            During my visits to several churches in Korea for past 3 weeks and meeting various pastors and the people, I have realised that the churches are actually in trouble. In a changing world, the churches cannot just follow the needs of the world, but we must also think about changes in churches as we learn of the trends of the world.
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