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          • 어정희  2023.02.11  20:12


          • How should we train the next generation?
            As I look at our church filled with Sunday School children, the youth group house churches growing, the ANW and Wednesday services filled with the next generation, I am very thankful. At the same time, there is also the burden that we should not just look at the current situation and be lazy in properly teaching the next generation the Word and Christian values. How should we train the next generation?
            Firstly, we must pass on the faith at home. I once read that “the reason why the Korean churches lost the Sunday School is because parents were solely relying on formal religious teaching from the church and in doing so, have lost the next generation.” If parents do not also teach Christian values at home as a priority, even if their children are attending church now, the children will soon become confused about their values and will then leave the church. So, in the family, the parents must be committed to making the passing of their faith to their children their first priority.
            Secondly, the children must see and learn about faith in the house church. We train and practice passing on our faith through the Olive Blessing and Children’s House Church in our house church meetings. Watching and learning naturally through observing parents in the house church meetings will be very helpful in passing on the faith to our next generation.
            Thirdly, we must all cooperate so that the church schools can operate well. Faith education cannot be passed onto the next generation well if the teachers are only made up of a few female adult church members and young adults volunteering. Everyone must cooperate and be interested in the church schools with a heart as though we are teaching our own children. Spiritually mature Christians must first become teachers in the church schools. In particular, I think male adult church members should devote themselves to this ministry.
            On Saturdays, children are learning Korean and faith education through Korean Language School. There are a few people who are dedicating themselves to helping this school become a more systematic school by preparing to follow the Korean Ministry of Education to enrol the language school with the Australian government. The Korean school also requires positive interest and devotion from you.
            To build up the future of our church and to pass on our faith to the next generation, we must all be committed.
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