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          • 이동주  2023.10.14  13:48


          • Who should our ministry be aimed at 2 (Pastor Jae-Jeong Kim)
            Jesus did not aim his ministry at the people. Jesus treated people as the subjects of love. He felt each person's life, suffered with them, and shed tears with them. People should not be seen as the subjects for evangelism. People should be treated as the subjects of love. People are the subjects of prayer. It is not to lose the sight of loving people while doing ministry. If you are focused on chasing ministry goals, there is a risk that over time you may forget the importance of saving one soul and your ministry may become mechanical. The aim of ministry is for the people in need, as Jesus showed. The people we deal with are people who have suffered wounds and pain along the way in life. Also, these are people who do wrong things due to the influence of sin. House churches and churches are places where we wrestle with these people and sometimes experience pain, instill in them the love of Jesus, and build them up as people of God. And such is the ministry of shepherds and pastors. Whether it is ministry or service, it is about moving towards places and people in need rather than staying in familiar and comfortable places or people. This is difficult. Loving people is not simple and difficult.
            It is difficult to do with human strength or will. What is needed for this work is God’s grace. And it is spiritual power. Loving and building people is something that can only be accomplished with God’s grace and spiritual power. It is difficult to endure, embrace, love, and pray for people who are difficult and uncomfortable, but ministry involves embracing and wrestling with such people until the end. This is because the place where there are people who need God's love is where the ministry is required, and those people are the focus of the ministry.

            Word of the week
            A good believer is to become a warm person. A warm believer frequently speaks the words of life. Warm words can give courage, comfort, and even save a life.
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