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          • 이동주  2024.06.15  21:53


          • Regarding the relocation of singles in house churches after marriage:

            Until now, singles who got married were encouraged to move up to a married couple's house churches. This was because the topics of conversation and the environment in the single's house church were different after marriage, so it was previously arranged for them to move up to a married couple's house churches upon request. However, this approach sometimes left singles who remained in the single's house church feeling hurt, and as the numbers dwindled, it became challenging to sustain single's house churches.
            However, the current situation in the house churches is that both singles and married couples are starting to participate together in house church meetings, and this approach has proven to operate well. Therefore, there is a need for a change regarding automatically moving up to a married couple's house church after marriage.
            As a result, based on the opinions of Single’s Pastor and the Village leaders, here are a few summaries:
            1. After marriage, singles are recommended to stay in the single's house church for a period (approximately 1 year) and then move up to a married couple's house church if it is judged beneficial based on the atmosphere of the house church. If the village leader decides that the number of members in the single's house church is too low, the newly married couple may continue to stay to assist the house church. Alternatively, in cases with larger number of members, consideration can be given to having married couples multiply to form their own house church.
            Conversely, if there are difficulties for singles in adapting within the married couple’s house church and it is deemed necessary for one or two singles to move to the single's house church, the shepherd arranges for the singles to visit other single's house churches and facilitates the move.
            2. If a single’s house church member marries a house church shepherd, the spouse who was a house church member moves to the house church where the shepherd served. The timing and method of the move are decided in consultation with the village leader or the responsible pastor. Additionally, even if the shepherd participated in the House church seminar for lay leaders, if the spouse hasn’t, then the couple is asked to participate in the House church seminar for lay leaders after the wedding to become the shepherd and shepherd’s wife.
            3. When a male shepherd and a female shepherd marry, the brother renews his dedication as a shepherd and the sister renews her dedication as a shepherd’s wife. The members of both house churches unite to form one house church, and prepare for unity through the house church meetings from three months before marriage.
            4. If a single’s shepherd of our church marries a single’s shepherd of another church, the marriage candidates pray sufficiently and consult sufficiently with their pastor to determine God's guidance for their move.

            Word of the week
            Sharing life is the flower in a house church meeting. When sharing life, you should make an effort to listen carefully to the other person's words, respond, and react. Be careful not to look at your smartphone screen or intervene by teaching that their thoughts are different from yours.

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