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          • 이동주  2024.07.27  19:42


          • Please have a longing to be a Shepherd.

            In the early days of house churches, it was recommended that married couples serve singles. This was because there were many advantages to having married couples serve singles. For example, married couples could serve as role models and also help resolve issues related to the meeting locations for house church gatherings.
            However, if singles, who have a lot of energy, were served only by the married couples, it would lead singles to practice their faith passively. In contrast, there are many advantages when singles serve as shepherds.
            Firstly, we see a passionate dedication. One of the characteristics of singles is their passion. Where should they channel their youthful energy? A growing church provides an environment where singles can fully dedicate themselves. Appointing singles as shepherds allows them to channel their youthful enthusiasm into building God's kingdom.
            Secondly, we see them growing into mature believers. The reason faith does not grow despite attending church for a long time is simple: there is a lack of genuine dedication. However, even with limited faith or life experience, when singles become the main drivers of ministry, they grow rapidly. Living as a shepherd ensures that they mature both personally and spiritually.
            If only married adults had been appointed as shepherds, there would not have been the same revival among singles as we have today. Initially, it was the dedication of the older generation that supported the singles, who were in a transitional phase. Thanks to their dedication, single shepherds were established. At that time, singles faced various challenges, such as inadequate meeting locations, visa issues, and financial difficulties. Over time, these singles have become pillars of the church. The next generation, having seen this, is continually blessed by the appointment of singles shepherds.
            Currently, some house churches are struggling due to a lack of dedication to become shepherds despite having a large number of attendees. We hope for a rise in voluntary dedication to becoming a shepherd. We expect not only singles but also adults to continue dedicating themselves as shepherds in house churches. When you live a life seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, God will grant you a life that exceeds your expectations, that is full of blessing and worth.

            Word of the week
            Please apply for the hug ceremony if you have a candidate in your house church. The hug ceremony is held for those who have first come to believe in Jesus and have completed the baptism, Living life Bible study, and Life of Assurance Bible study.
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