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          • 이동주  2025.03.16  07:41


          • Ordination Service for Ordained Deacons
            (Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 5 PM)
            The position given by the Lord is precious, and we believe that there are blessings and benefits that come through it. The Apostle Paul said, "Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 3:13). Here, an "excellent standing" does not refer to a worldly status but rather to receiving respect.
            I believe that church positions should not be hierarchical or of a rank. Originally, these roles were meant to be positions of service, carrying the cross and leading by example. However, in some Korean churches, these roles have been treated as positions of honour and prestige. This has sometimes resulted in ordination services being decorated with congratulatory wreaths and taking on the atmosphere of an inauguration ceremony. If such a mindset persists, the misconception of church positions as hierarchical ranks will not change.
            Therefore, we have structured our ordination service as follows:
            Firstly, we do not give flowers to the ordained deacons. Instead of giving flower bouquets to those being ordained, the church will present them with a cross necklace. Additionally, their wives will receive white lilies, symbolising purity, instead of congratulatory flowers.
            Secondly, those receiving ordination will not be responsible for hosting a meal or providing return gifts. (A token of appreciation will be given to the pastors attending the ordination.) Instead, the church will cover all expenses for the ordination service. Additionally, the currently serving ordained deacons will serve the meal as a way of welcoming their new co-workers, emphasising that they will labour together in ministry.
            Thirdly, unnecessary formalities will be omitted from the service, and the service will remain simple. When introducing the ordained individuals, a member of their house church or someone who knows them well will share a personal story about them. During the words of encouragement and exhortation, a senior ordained deacon will share meaningful advice. At the end of the ordination service, one of the newly ordained deacons will share their reflections and commitment on behalf of the ordained deacons.
            We encourage all members of Sydney Crystal Church to rejoice as if this were their own ordination, as this is a time to raise up new servants for the church. Please pray for those receiving their positions to be faithful and respected servants of the Lord, and that they may receive the blessings of serving. When offering your greetings, instead of saying “Congratulations,” please say “May you receive the blessing of serving” or “May you receive heavenly blessings.”

            Word of the week
            Next Sunday, the appointment of deputy deacons will take place during the worship service. Also, the ordination service for ordained deacons will be held at 5pm. Instead of saying “Congratulations” to those being appointed as servants of the God, please bless them by saying, “May you receive the blessing of serving” or “May you receive heavenly blessings.”

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