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          • 수정교회 번역팀  2023.08.01  10:45


          • How to live a safe and happy life

            The children of Israel go into Canaan and farm for 6 years, and in the 7th year they are told to rest the land and rest. In the human mind, if you don’t plant, there will be no crops, so you will be worried about what you should eat to live for a year. However, God promises to bless them in the 6th year and give them enough produce for 3 years. God has prepared in advance to bless the people who will be concerned. The only way to live a safe and blessed life in the land of promise flowing with milk and honey that God will lead is to live according to God's decrees and laws. I pray that today will be a safe and happy day by keeping God's decrees and laws, entrusting all of our weaknesses to the Lord not worrying about tomorrow.

            Passage to read: Leviticus 25:1-22
            18 “ ‘Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land.
            ‭‭19 Then the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety.
            ‭‭20 You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?”
            ‭‭21 I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years.
            ‭‭22 While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.

            ‭‭* Meditation

            * Application

            * Gratitude & Prayer
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